Thursday, November 15, 2007


Google Reader

I have 99 emails flagged as "urgent", 31 of which I need to actually respond to, most of the rest are documents I really need to read. sigh.

It's hard keeping up with information, eh?
And it's also hard to keep up with blogs. Some people don't update their blogs very often. (And by 'people', I mean 'me.') And s people update them so often you can't keep track.

So, my new favorite thing in the world is Google Reader, keeping track of website updates for me.

My Google Reader keeps track of the following websites for me:

- The Eash Scott Family ( - brother and sister-in-law's musings on family and life. Really, really good, funny, AND excellent photos of my nephews)

- The Nest ( - Home for children whose mothers are in prison, and also some abandoned babies (and some abandoned babies who have grown up into children). Run by good friends. In German and English, so excellent for those of us who really need to work on our German!

- The Trade Observatory (www. - I love IATP (Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy). I mean, i LOVE them. I want to have little IATP babies, who will be thoughtful and accurate and minnesotan yet international. They keep track of trade negotiations, etc with this website.

- The Bretton Woods Project ( - Tracking the Bretton Woods institutions - IMF and World Bank mainly. Based in UK. Good studies.

- ( - Tracking all of those pesky trade negotiations and agreements that are not the WTO. Really, really important. I tell you, FTAs are the new WTO, man.

- AU Monitor - ( - Pambazuka is great website tracking and commenting on what's happening in African civil society and any social movements. AU Monitor keeps track of what is happening at the African Union and the associated institutions.

- Grist news ( - US on-line news of all that is happening Environmental-wise, served with a bit of wry cynicism and joking despair. Actually, they hit on a pretty good tone - hard to walk line of funny between just state of despair and state of cynicism.

that's my Google Reader. Any suggestions of what else to add?

Debby - it's Becky. I found your site through Rachel's. Our blog is Check it out!!
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