Thursday, August 16, 2007


I get involved in the US Presidential race!

Well, in a minimal, cyber-guilt kind of way.

Check out the sidebar and the nifty looking green picture of Bill Richardson. Click on it to read an interview with Bill on - a great on-line environmental publication - about his vision for a green presidency.

Seeing as I'm in Kenya, I've missed all the Candidate debates, all the newspaper articles, all the press, etc. But from what I hear, I'm still not missing any coverage of Bill Richardson.....because there isn't any.

I ain't saying I'm all that knowledgable about him. I am not. But I just have a good feeling about this guy. (Not a good "this guy will get elected" feeling. Just a good general feeling.)

Well, maybe he will make it on to Obama's ticket. Ooh! Obama/Richardson '08!

I'm done here. At work but it is hard to concentrate because for the ENTIRE afternoon there has been a loudly amplified Crusade somewhere in the city, and it is really giving me a headache.

That's right - they still call 'em Crusades round these parts! Apparently saving souls for Jesus is synonymous with yelling at people through an amplification system.

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