Friday, February 23, 2007


...crime & elections...

Well, there has been a spate of bank robberies over the past few months, and within the past 3 months there have been 50 violent deaths related to carjackings or muggings. This is more than usual. The people perpetrating the crimes are rarely caught, and those who are tend to be gunned down by police and killed.

So what’s the connection between Kenya’s crime wave and the fact that elections are due this December? Is it becoming a campaign focus? Is it related to general feeling of unrest or tension between communities? Sad to say, the widely held theory is that the bank robbery winnings are going towards politicians’ campaign funds.

That’s right. The politicians are hiring thugs (“thugs” being the popular term) to rob banks in order to fund their campaigns. At least, that’s the view of the folks I know and trust.

What isn’t as clear is why all the violent muggings and car-jackings, many of which do not end in death, but some of which do, quite senselessly. Some people think this is also related to campaign time. I’m not so convinced that it is going to campaigners’ pockets - it seems like a piecemeal way to raise funds. But I can easily believe that politicians are stirring up ethnic tensions which are exacerbating existing tensions and contributing to an atmosphere in which violence is more acceptable.

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