Friday, February 23, 2007


am back! with new blog!

New Blog!
Actually, you are right, I’ve not done such a good job of keeping up on this one. Like, this is the first time I'm posting in over a month (although that's partially the fault of the World Social Forum and lately I haven't been able to log on. anyways.)
So, why start another blog?
Because that’s one of the great things about the wide open spaces of the internet - there’s lots of room for making dubious decisions. And also, I’ll actually keep up this one, because it’s on BOOKS! That is, books that I’ve read during my time in Kenya. Not all the books, but most of them i reckon.
I’ve been keeping track of what I read since I came here, initially because books were some of the only life-giving things in my life. Then when I was in-between secondments and I had a lot of free time to sit around and mope, I read a lot and started writing comments on the books just for kicks. And then getting a library card got me all excited about continuing to keep track.
I haven’t written about all of the books, and although I’ve gone back through and added some comments, I haven’t done that for all of them.
And then, I like to know what my friends are reading, and what they think about what they are reading. I have no idea if my friends want to know what I’m reading, but that’s the other great thing about the wide open spaces of the internet - you don’t have to venture into some shady areas if you don’t want.
Anyways, here it is: maybe you can comment on the books that you have also read! or suggest your own! or I set you up as another user so you can post your own blogs on books on the site! Or none of the above, and I happily keep on keeping track for myself. Yep!

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