Saturday, October 14, 2006


a short update for October

At the end of September I left FATNEA. The week after leaving I spent doing errands, moving out of my apartment and putting furniture and whatnot in storage, and finishing up a literature review I had promised I would do before leaving. Then I went to the coast of Kenya, south of Mombasa, for about a week to sit in the sun and watch the ocean and sometimes frolic in it. Got back Monday noon (overnight train!) and since then I'm at the Mennonite Guesthouse in Nairobi. Not sure what exactly I've been doing...a little bit of work and fretting about the future, a little bit of relaxing under flowering trees and reading good books, and a little bit of dealing with the collection of sand fly bites I amassed at the coast. I guess that sums it up. I wrote some blogs the other day!

Still don't know what I'm going to do next...can't seem to figure out how to start thinking about it, and for whatever reason still don't feel like I have the energy to face figuring out what happens next. ah well. I'm giving myself more time, and my country representatives are being very understanding.

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